Sunday, December 6, 2009

Final Class Reflection

I have really enjoyed this class. It wasn't at all what I expected but I have gained more from it than I anticipated. I have learned not only what types of books I enjoy for children but also how to determine what is good children's literature and what makes it good. I have learned many ways to analyze and even criticize literature for children. The projects we have worked on throughout the semester have also be very beneficial to me. I have gained new insight to poetry, graphic novels, wordless books, and many other types. I have a new appreciation for literature for children. There is more to it and more depth than I ever gave it credit for. I have a new boundary as well as to what I consider children's literature.
Even though I am not an education major, I have learned many good things about the education system through this class. I really had to change some of my thinking to cater to the thought process of future teachers. In this way it has been challenging to me. I also am enjoying the process of the final text set that we are compiling. I am finding it interesting to look deeper into how and why I would choose and teach about certain topics. I am excited to hear other's opinions in this area as well.
I came into this class needing it only for an elective to fulfill a credit and came out of the class gaining so much more than that.

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