The way this book is written is so much fun. I can totally hear an African American speaking these words. The way the font changes, it makes you able to hear people in the background jumping in to give their input. I think that book is great though. It takes something that everyone has in common, hair, and shows the difference in it. Not that it is a big deal if you have straight, curly, or nappy hair. It is a neat way to display a big problem in the world, racism, with a little one like differences in hair types. There are also hints of religion and slavery in the book as well. These are more discrete but they are still big issues being laid out.
Again this is another brilliant way to get hard topics to discuss out on the table. Slavery is a part of our history and it needs to be taught. This book brings it up discretely but it brings it up. I feel it is necessary to have books like this to teach the non-African Americans about African American things (like nappy hair) and also for African American children to see that they are completely normal. They need books that relate to them just as much as the Caucasian children do.
I like the illustrations. They are vibrant colors and show the story nicely. Again I enjoyed this book but don't quite understand the controversial part of this as much as some of the other books I've read.
I also read this book this week and I thought it was a great book! I agree with you that it is a good book to use to teach about racism in our country and also about slavery. I liked how you explained how the author took something that we all have in common, hair, and explained how it really isn't a big deal what "texture" one's hair is!