And the King and Queen Bug of the Ball goes to.....
This is a very interesting book. Judging by the cover there is no way you could guess what the book is about inside. It is about bugs, what else, that are attending their annual Bug Ball. It just so happens that they are invaded by outer space insects. They make friends right away with these alien bugs and they help determine who the King and Queen of the Bug Ball are. It is just a happy go lucky story with not much conflict. There are a few humorous lines about rubbing antennae and shaking feelers or something of that sort.
But where the book excels is in the illustrations. These pictures are gorgeous and cover the entire page. There are borders around each picture that make the illustrations even more interesting. I never thought insects could be cute but these pictures do a pretty good job of making them look good. There is so much detail and color to ever picture. I first thought this would be a book that boys would like with bugs but I soon figured out that it is a very girlie book about a dance. The outer space insects would maybe grab the boys' attention a little bit more.
One last thing that I liked was that the story was told in first person by the insect who just so happens to win King this year at the ball. It adds another dimension to the book that I really liked.